10 Warning Signs Of An Abusive Spouse
Most recently, it was revealed that Hollywood executive Harvey Weinstein had a long history of abusing women, especially aspiring actresses in the film industry. Many of these women are people that you might assume could speak out against their abuser without hesitation, but even these Hollywood icons had a difficult time. The point is, never assume that a victim of abuse is in a psychological position to resolve their situation. Sometimes, they need a little support in the form of validation, a place to stay, or even just a vote of confidence.
Sometimes, the signs of someone suffering through an abusive relationship are obvious, but often the signs can be more subtle. If you can recognize the signs, you may be able to help someone who is silently suffering – that person may even be you. Your spouse may exhibit signs of abuse and you may not even realize it. Here are ten signs that you or someone you know may have an abusive spouse:
1. Gaslighting
Gaslighting is the practice of manipulating someone into questioning their perception of reality. This abusive practice can be especially subtle and difficult to detect. Sometimes, there may be a genuine discrepancy between your recollection of events and that of your partner. However, if your partner is frequently reshaping events, especially at times when it serves to validate some greater narrative or goal, they may be trying to diminish your confidence in your own grip on reality.
Context is important – consider how often this happens, and whether or not you have similar issues at work or with friends, as well. If you find that your partner seems to magically be the only person who is always disputing your account of reality, you may be in an abusive situation. This behavior can be particularly difficult to detect as a third party, since there’s typically no way to confirm which person in the relationship is telling the truth. (Continues On Page 2)