Drug & Addiction InformationMiscellaneous

Here’s Why Most Drug Users Don’t Become Drug Addicts

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Whenever a person ingests a potentially addictive, psychoactive chemical substance, they run the risk of developing a dependency. Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. It’s advisable to never test the limits of consumption to begin with, but the truth is that some people are simply more prone to drug addiction to others. But why do some people become addicted, while others don’t?

There are various factors and perspectives among addiction treatment professionals as to what extent different factors influence a person’s chances of going from a drug user to an addict. 

Here are some of the most significant variables:

1. Stress

As academics, jobs, and even beauty standards becomes more demanding and competitive, people are turning to recreational drugs to cope with the pressure.

For example, it has become particularly common in a college setting for students to abuse substances that enhance focus, allowing them to study for far longer than normal. In a work setting, employees are increasingly expected to be “always on” – longer work days, and more frequent extracurricular work communications because of email, are becoming normalized. 

People in both of these scenarios are prone to addiction because drug abuse provides a short-term solution. Without drugs, they find it more difficult to cope – this creates a cycle of abuse. (Continues on Page 2)